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Contact Us

We are dedicated to providing professional services and solutions while also attending to the demands of customers today and in the future as their businesses grow.

Visit Our Location - Sri Lanka

No. 209/1, 5th Mile Post, Nugawela, Kandy,
Sri Lanka. Zip: 20072

Visit Our Location - UK

65 Pant Yr Heol, Neath, SA11 2HN,
United Kingdom

Visit Our Location - Developments

No. 209/2/1, Kurunagala Road, Nugawela,
Kandy, Sri Lanka. Zip: 20072

Send Us a Message

Looking for a excellent Solution for Your idea?

Drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

  • Company Location
    No. 209/1, 5th Mile Post, Nugawela, Kandy, Sri Lanka
  • 24/7 Call & Support
    SL : (F) +94 81 20 50 437 / (W) +94 70 50 59 323
    UK : (F/W) +44 7399 112107
  • Email Address
    info@tritcal.com | sales.uk@tritcal.com

Frequently Asked Queries

Efficiently productivity reliable paradigms before ubiquitous models. Continually utilize frictionless expertise whereas tactical relationships. Still have questions? Contact us

Please use ONLY the given telephone numbers to reach our customer support.

Please wait for your turn if you want, your training to be notified, please send us a SMS or whatsapp message, we will call you back as soon as possible.

Our support is limited to help you to resolve system break-down during weekends and after-hours; your calls will be answered; Our team will do the needful to continue your business uninterrupted.

Please drop an email or pass a SMS or send a WhatsApp message. We will call you on the next business day, before 10am.

Please let us know in advance. We will arrange a special package/appointment for you.

Tritcal will not be responsible for any calls made to seek support by dialing to any telephone numbers other than the numbers in the support telephone list.

Yes. You need to sign SLA with Tritcal International (Pvt) Ltd to get support. if you dont have an SLA signed with us for the product you have purchased, please contact our sales team for further detail. We are here to support your business.